

Using reclaimed wood, is an environmentally responsible way to bring wood into your home. The richness and patina of our floors give that warmth that makes a house a home. Many of our clients say that our floors are the first thing guests notice when they come into their homes.

Our floors comes in:

  • a variety of softwoods & hardwoods
  • in random widths (3" to 11") and lengths (2' to 16')
  • 3/4 inch thickness for regular flooring
  • 1 1/2 inch thickness for loft flooring


  • Kiln-dried to 10% or less moisture content
  • Tongue and grooved



"From Barn Board" - "Weathered and aged to perfection"

    Hemlock and Pine

      A variety of grades are available
    • very rustic - lightly planed leaving sawmarks and a dark, rich patina
    • rustic - planed and sanded leaving just a hint of sawmarks and a rich, but lighter patina
    • Antique - planed and sanded down removing all sawmarks and leaving a lighter patina

"Milled from beams" - "For a less rustic but ageless look"

    Elm, Ash, Beech, Tamarack and Harbour Pine

Due to the nature and uniqueness of the wood, we would prefer to install the floors ourselves. If the floor is prepared properly, we are willing to install over in floor heat.
The floors are glued, nailed and some of the wider boards are screwed. There is the option of plugs: randomly placed round; or square and round at the end of each board. The square plugs look especially nice with the elm floors.

Please visit our wood samples

Flooring - Stairs - Beams - Furniture - Ceilings, Walls, and Trim - Fixtures
